Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I've Moved!
I haven't posted in awhile. A post is coming about that. No really. It is! BUT... the post will be ON THE NEW SITE:
I still have A LOT of kinks to work out over there. Like... a lot, a lot. No judgments, please.
Looking forward to hearing from you all from the new site.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Basically Done!
Table set. House vacuumed. Kitchen getting there. Glue gun STILL being held hostage, but this is probably for the best. We are almost there!
All I really need to get done is clear up the breakfast mess in the kitchen and mop. About 30 minutes worth of work, at most. All in all, I would say that my back-to-basics approach worked fairly well this week. Granted, I didn't keep my schedule AT ALL, but I feel a little bit more on top of things. Like I am getting my balance back. This experiment really does require planning. Without deliberate action every day toward the goal of having things done earlier, it won't happen. I have a lot more to say on this, but I have some time before I need to pick up DS from school. A little present to myself: rest a bit and then finish up!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Basic Accomplishment
I can't believe it! It is 11:10 and I am done cooking. My goal was to have all of my cooking finished by 10 pm. I was done at 10:25, but only bec-Aause I had to chuck my romaine (again) due to an infestation. Lucky for me, I had all of the makings for a chickpea salad waiting in the wings.
So what is left on my list for tomorrow?
- Set the table
- Kitchen Floor (it is NA-A-A-STY)
- Vacuum
- General tidying around the house
- Find a way to ransom my glue gun (it is being held hostage)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Still Working on Getting Back to Basics—A Menu
I thought that I was being SO smart by giving myself a goal list earlier this week. Just to recap my expectations for myself (the red is what I actually got done):
SUNDAY: My list was short and I got it all done!
- Decide on guest list: No one.
- Inventory freezer for things that are already made: I have sweet potato mash, onion kugel, and chopped herring already made and in the freezer. I can pull at least one of those things out to make for Shabbos.
- Put away last week's dishes.
- Inventory fridge and pantry for other "freezable" side items—and make at least one thing: Mango soup will be happening later tonight.
- I did make mango soup… on Tuesday night. At about 11 pm. After I made bows. I think that I may have a bow problem. I can't stop playing with them. It is like bow crack or something. I need a bow intervention.
- Laundry—or maybe not? We will see how the night goes on this one.
- I thought about the laundry, but didn't actually do any of it.
- Watch 6 episodes of Glee on Netflix. Check and double check! I did this one, no problem.
- Leftover laundry. Or at least start the laundry. Yes. I did start the laundry. WOO HOO! That is a half check!
- Clean the bathrooms—l'cvod Shabbos—I will do a quick once over on Friday morning, but I will get the dirty work done tomorrow. Of course I didn't get this done on Tuesday? Why? Yup. My bowdiction. I did the hallway bathroom this evening.
- Mango soup got made!
- Clean the floors--l'cvod Shabbos—will spot clean on Friday morning. Unless I do it after I post this, not going to happen.
- Change Sheets-- l'cvod Shabbos—I decided that it is nicer to have fresh sheets RIGHT before Shabbos, so I didn't get this done. What?!? Of course that is the reason it didn't get done!!
- Menu—and I will incorporate things that I already have prepared in the freezer. I will try to double up anything that I make on Thursday to freeze.-- HAHAHAH! I GOT ONE!!
Menu is below! - Most of the laundry is finally done.
- Shop after school drop off—Probably not a problem.
- Cook starting before school pick up.—Probably a problem. I need to pick the van up from the body shop (don't ask) in the morning, so I don't want to set my expectations of myself too high.
- Finish cooking and have kitchen basically clean by 10 pm (this is a MAJOR stretch, by the way… 10 pm is my witching hour. It is the time I go from an efficient-let's-get-it-down-person to a stalling-let's-play-on-the-computer person… so we shall see).—As long as I hide my ribbon box, this shouldn't be a problem. Doing WAY easy this week.
- Set the table.
- Spot clean.
- Relax, do my nails, make a bow, read Dr. Suess, or do some other random non-stressful activity (read: NAP!!)
Without further ado, a BASIC menu (and yes, I know I need to post the recipes. I hope to be back to normal with that… um… next month?):
- Challah—Done and frozen
- Chopped Herring—Done and frozen
- Hummus-----
- Meatballs—Quick & Kosher—Why? Just because I am really craving some!-- making triple batch—two for Shabbos and one to freeze.
- Anyone have a good idea re: how to heat these on Shabbos day?*
- Queen Lieberfolk suggested pulling them from their sauce and putting them on the plata dry. The sauce can sit next to the plata. Will the sauce get warm enough? Will the meatballs dry out?
- DH thought the crockpot may work. In my experience, ground beef in the crockpot over Shabbos is no bueno.
- Brown Rice
- Onion Kugel—Prepped and frozen.
- Caesar Salad—Quick & Kosher
- Cucumber salad
- -----
- Mango soup over soy ice cream
* The laws of heating food on Shabbos are pretty complex. Long story short, one cannot cook on Shabbos. This means that heating up food in a way that may lead to cooking (or look like cooking) is a no-no. Typically, people use a warming tray (called a plata) or a blech, a piece of metal that sits over the burners on the stove, to warm food. There is an issue with putting liquid on either of these warming devices, so my question is about the meatball sauce.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Back to Basics
Last week, I said that I felt like my brain was a hard drive had been gunked up with peanut butter. For whatever reason, I just can't get into any sort of groove since we have been back. I won't bore you with all of my theories about why I can't seem to get my act together. Whatever the root cause of the peanut butter brain disorder, I have decided to take drastic action to get myself back on track: I am going to pare my "to do" list down to only the barest of essentials. If I can handle the minimum things (um… like cooking dinner for my family and making sure everyone has clean underwear), then I will add in "extra" things that I like to do (like working on the new site and my little bow making obsession). Of course, it goes without saying that having Shabbos ready early (and trying my darndest to blog about it in the process) is a minimum thing.
So that I REALLY go "back to basics", I am giving myself a goal toward Shabbos every day this week. I will NOT be cooking all day on Friday again. I will NOT be setting the table after I have lit candles. I WILL be enjoying my little people and playing sidewalk chalk or something equally fun on Friday afternoon. Here is how I am going to get there:
Back to Basics: Daily Goals Towards Shabbos
SUNDAY: I am happy to report that I did all of these things.
- Decide on guest list: No one. Hubby has five nights of twelve hour ER shifts this week. I have a feeling he will be sleeping before the fish.
- Inventory freezer for things that are already made: I have sweet potato mash, onion kugel, and chopped herring already made and in the freezer. I can pull at least one of those things out to make for Shabbos.
- Put away last week's dishes: I know this sounds basic, but last week, I was doing this on Thursday.
- Inventory fridge and pantry for other "freezable" side items—and make at least one thing: Mango soup will be happening later tonight.
- Laundry—or maybe not? We will see how the night goes on this one.
- Leftover laundry
- Clean the bathrooms—l'cvod Shabbos—I will do a quick once over on Friday morning, but I will get the dirty work done tomorrow.
- Clean the floors--l'cvod Shabbos—will spot clean on Friday morning.
- Change Sheets-- l'cvod Shabbos
- Menu—and I will incorporate things that I already have prepared in the freezer. I will try to double up anything that I make on Thursday to freeze.
- Shop after school drop off
- Cook starting before school pick up.
- Finish cooking and have kitchen basically clean by 10 pm (this is a MAJOR stretch, by the way… 10 pm is my witching hour. It is the time I go from an efficient-let's-get-it-down-person to a stalling-let's-play-on-the-computer person… so we shall see).
- Set the table.
- Spot clean.
- Relax, do my nails, make a bow, read Dr. Suess, or do some other random non-stressful activity (read: NAP!!)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The “I need a reboot” Menu
Monday, May 9, 2011
The Chatzos Challenge, Back from the Holy Land: May Their Memory Be for a Blessing
Reflections, observations, and general musings from our family’s month in Israel.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Whew! I almost have my groove back!
Good Shabbos, everyone!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
It is late on Thursday night
Despite the total exhaustion and invasion of creepy crawlers, I have managed to get some of my Shabbos preparation done. Most important, a menu:
Challah-- made on Tuesday
Gefilte Fish-- done
Hummus-- done
Israeli salad
Onion Chicken-- Quick & Kosher-- in the oven
Challah Kugel-- Spice & Spirit-- made on Tuesday and frozen. This is a first in my house. I had a lot of challah leftover from last week. I hope it is good!
Broccoli Salad
Quinoa Salad
Green beans
Pistachio Chocolate Chip Cake
This menu is a lot of comfort food. Maybe the comfort will be a fun nights sleep for the first time since we have been back.
The Chatzos Challenge, Back from the Holy Land: Even our Cousins Know About Chatzos
I could write at least six posts about cousins. The topic seemed to come up again and again during our trip (for example, I met cousins that I didn't even know I had!). On our very first erev Shabbos in Israel, we had a reminder that there are other sorts of cousins around.
On our very first Friday afternoon is a good example. Our hostess in Hashmonaim is a chatzos-y type, too. She does all of her Shabbos prep on Thursday—and then relaxes on Friday. My type of lady (in more ways than this!). She did not need any help on Friday (being that she was already done!) so DS and I headed outdoors to enjoy the view of the hills, the weather, the smell of Shabbos cooking in other homes, and the slide in our hosts' backyard. From the backyard, you can see the neighboring town on the other side of the security barrier.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And we’re back…
Or maybe I should have titled this one, "101 ways that things can go wrong on a Friday."
But before I get there—we are back! Everyone in our house misses Israel dearly (and we are all still trying to get over our jet-lag), but we have made it back to Texas. I can't wait to post updates to my series on Chatzos in the Holy land. G-d (and jet lag) willing, I will try to post about all of the fun chatzos-y things that I experienced.
In the meantime, we got home last Thursday evening—a mere 20 hours before Shabbos. I didn't think that the timing was going to be much of an issue. I had the whole 20 hours planned out to get us to Shabbos smoothly and effortlessly. I even envisioned a way that I would have all of the really-really Shabbos things (like food, table, ect) done before chatzos, while leaving the things that could wait (unpacking, laundry, ect) for the afternoon. It was really a genius plan. Of course, what happens when man plans??
In my brilliant plan for the day, my kids were going to sleep in. We woke up to leave Jerusalem at 3 am and no one really slept well on the plane. By the time we were back in Houston, it was over 24 hours from when they had awoken. I was going to use their sleep deficit in my favor—while they were trying to catch up on their zzz, I would start the laundry and pull our Shabbos food from the freezer (with the exception of salads and challah—which DH was nice enough to offer to pick up for me). I made sure to get to sleep as early as possible—10 ish-- so that I could really take advantage of the time that the kids were sleeping. When DS woke up at 11:45 (pm… that is right… a mere hour and 45 minutes AFTER I went to sleep), I figured he would go back to sleep. I gave up on that notion at about 3:30 am when DD also woke up.
Okay. Fine. No sleep. I have done a lot more on no sleep. As long as DH was able to get the things I needed from the store, we could still do this. No problem. That is about when we discovered his car battery was dead. DD decided that was also a good time to start vomiting. A lot. Like, Dr. Dad kept mentioning a trip to the ER.
And there we were. Three o'clock on a Friday afternoon. Four suitcases had exploded over the floor in the living room. Food was slowly defrosting (but still no challah). Whole family walking around like zombies. One car not starting. And an infant that was unable to hold down liquids.
Needless to say, we barely made it to Shabbos—let alone making it to chatzos. I should have known better about making a plan. There should always be some wiggle room in your plan—you never know you will need it.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Chatzos Challenge in the Holy Land, Part III: Watching Pesach Happen
It was a very busy day in my host's home: one granddaughter is here while her brother is in the hospital, her daughter and two other grandchildren are in from Beersheva to escape any rockets from Gaza, and my host is turning over her kitchen for Pesach.
Wait. WHAT?!? SHE IS TURNING OVER HER KITCHEN FOR PESACH?!? There are 5 kids here under the age of 4! The seder is A WEEK AWAY! IS SHE NUTS?!?
Rest assured. My host is NOT nuts. She is just an expert chatzos person. And when I say expert, I mean she was done with Shabbos last week at 3 pm. On Thursday. What did she do on Friday? Took my son and her granddaughter to a bakery, took them to the park, bathed them together, ect. Basically, she was the best savta a kid could ask for. I envy her calm.
So, why turn over the kitchen SO early with SO many kids running around (with cheerios, bamba, lady fingers, you name it)? "I would like to finish cooking for the whole chag by Wednesday because I plan on taking a two day trip with my ima and sisters erev Pesach." Brilliant. That is going into the holiday in style.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Chatzos Challenge in the Holy Land, Part II: What happens in Israel... Stays in Israel
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Chatzos Challenge in the Holy Land: Part 1—I need your help!
This just doesn't feel right. It is Wednesday (actually… Thursday in about 30 seconds) and I haven't done a Shabbos menu. I haven't even looked at the circulars! What is going on?! Oh yea. We are invited out for both meals. I am still in a little bit in shock—we rarely eat out for both meals on Shabbos. This little miracle couldn't have come at a better time—this is our last Shabbos at home before our big trip to Israel!
DH will be doing an away-elective at a clinic in Beit Shemesh and then we will spend Pesach with family. All in all, not a bad way to spend April! But before I can soak up the ruchnius in the Holy Land, I need to make it there. With two kids. And I need to make sure that my apartment is in some sort of shape to be left alone for a month. Needless to say, even my to-do lists have to-do lists at this point. Nothing is organized and I am feeling super overwhelmed at the prospect of the trip (not the "being in Israel" part, rather just the "getting to Israel" part).
- Fun things to do with kids in and around Chashmoniam. Thanks to Houston Ima for a start on things to do in Jerusalem.
- The best provider from which to rent a phone.
- Where I can get a pack-n-play in or near Rechavia
- How to keep a three year-old happy on such a long flight
- Things I have to buy while I am there (um… like tiny tzitzis and kippahs)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Post Purim Detox
Wow! Purim was fun! The Superfamily enjoyed seeing everyone and truly relished the day. Superman and Superbubbe flew all over the place with one another. Superbaby sucked on her fingers (a superpower SO top secret that even I, Supermommy, have no clue what it does). Clark Kent, aka Superdaddy, even had the afternoon off to spend with us! We were so excited to have the family time. But the best part about the whole thing: the Chatzos Challenge is starting to influence holidays outside of Shabbos! This year, costumes were ready (complete with custom bows for me and mini-me) and m'shaloch manos were mostly put together BEFORE Purim! That is a first in these parts! Even though being ready early help us all enjoy the day more, it did not help with the post-Purim detox.
Every year, I feel like I spend about a week getting back to baseline after Purim. All of the sugar, running around, sugar, dressing up, sugar, partying, and sugar throws me for a loop. When Purim is on a Sunday, like it was this year, I feel like the detox period extends past a week. Add in a nasty cold and the fact that we are leaving for Israel in about a week and a half, and, well, you can imagine how disoriented (um… hung over?) I am. This week, I am going to have to pare down my Shabbos prep to the bare essentials or else I will never make chatzos AND be ready to leave on our trip (laundry, hold the mail, clean out the fridge, clean the house, unplug appliances, pre-pay bills, pack… I could keep going). I am getting panicky just thinking about it. Maybe that is just the sugar wearing off.
Okay, let's regroup. Queen Lieberfolk, the very cute downstairs neighbor, has invited us to her for Shabbos lunch. Phew. That is one down. And I still have a few things in the freezer that I can put together for dinner. I will throw in some salads and we will be set. Repeat after me, folks, "It is going to be okay. We are going to make chatzos this week."
Whether we will make it to the plane with everything done? That is another story…
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Friday, March 18, 2011
Don’t forget to bring some light into the world
Don't forget to light tonight in the memory of the Fogel family. Already lighting? Maybe light a few minutes early, in their memory.
For candle lighting times in your area, click here. For more information about the spiritual side of candle lighting or how-to, visit
And we made it!
Table is set (complete with a special shout out to the birthday boy). Food is done. There are a few non-essentials left (and I have to pick up Superman's birthday cake!), but we are ready to light candles. Sigh. It feels good to be back in the swing of things.
The real question is this: since Bubbe is here and will play with anyone that doesn't want to take a nap, what should I do this afternoon? I think that a Mommy nap is in order.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Learned my Lesson
After spending most of last Thursday night in front of my computer, instead of in the kitchen, I resolved to get my cooking done BEFORE I did anything else this week. A tall order considering there are still parts of Purim costumes to make, mshaloch manos to put together and cards to create, birthday surprises to arrange, and a dining room table piled with at least a foot of junk to clean off. But I did it! I am done in the kitchen (mostly)! I need to bake my tri-colored gefilte fish once my corn kugel comes out, but everything else is done! My wonderful mother-in-law, Bubbe, even helped me do most of the dishes already!
This feels so much better than last week (at this point in the evening, I was thinking, "Well, it isn't THAT late yet. I will just go take a shower.").
What did I do differently? Instead of getting on my computer after the kids were in bed, I went straight to the kitchen and finished up the things I had been working on during naptime. I used that momentum to get everything else prepped and ready to go. I even found time to make another kugel—onion, this time, to utilize the AMAZING Texas sweet onions that seem to be on sale everywhere.
I learned my lesson. From now on, I will make like a Nike and JUST DO IT!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s SUPER SHABBOS MENU!

Being that Shabbos is Superson's third birthday on the Jewish calendar and Purim is his third birthday on the English calendar, we thought that is would be nice if SUPERMAN was able to reveal his true identity on Purim. No need to be Clark Kent! Everyone will be dressed up and no one will know that he REALLY IS Superman. The rest of us will be Super, as well. Superbaby, Supermommy [not implying I am anywhere near it], and Super… oh wait… Daddy is going to be Clark Kent… all plan to make an appearance! Teddy, Superson's sidekick/bear/baby/best friend, is getting in on the action, too. He will be dressed as Jimmy Olsen.
I really don't know what is so SUPER about my Shabbos menu. It is mostly a repeat of last week—it is pretty easy to prepare and I am looking for redemption from my failure last week. There will be SUPERMAN cake—and that is SUPER!
Without further ado—*cue theme music* What is that over on my blog? Faster than a kugel is eaten on Friday afternoon! Able to finish cooking with hours to spare! It's a challah! It's a gefilte fish! IT'S SUPERSHABBOS MENU! Do-do-do-da-dooooooo-do-da-do. Do-do-da-do-do, do-da-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
PS We are eating out for lunch. For dinner, we will be joined by Bubbe—all the way in from Denver! and some friends.
- Challah—DONE
- Hummus—EARLY TOMORROW— will make enough for SUPER M'SHALOCH MANOS (get it… a super food…)
- Tri Colored Gefilte Fish—Kosher Delicious----
- Hot Dogs—Bet you didn't know that Hot Dogs are Superman's favorite food!
- Onion Chicken—Quick & Kosher
- Sweet Corn Pudding—I cut this recipe out from a coupon booklet in Dec… looks YUM. If it tastes good, I will post it.
- Green beans w/ garlic
- Caesar Salad—Quick & Kosher-- the jury is out if I am brave enough to try romaine again (after last week's infestation).----
- Supercake
Some of you are thinking, "Yeah, but what about your Purim seudah?" Well, we go to a massive party at the shul for the seudah every year. So what do I still have to do for the chag? Two capes, cards for my m'shaloch manos (tonight), and put them together (will have to do last minute because food is perishable). We are ALMOST ready!